Medals 2018:
BDSA was one of 22 clubs from Australia that had teams playing during Sydney Youth Cup 2018. They participated with three teams in U11, U8 and U9/10 respectively. Two teams played until in Group play; U8 lost against Soccer De Brazil Metro by 0-8 and U9/10 lost against AYFI by 0-3.

BDSA originates from Sydney, which is the same city as where Sydney Youth Cup takes place. The area around Sydney does also provide 20 additional clubs participating during Sydney Youth Cup 2018 (Among others: Australasian Soccer Academy, FDA, Canley Heights FC, Shane Webb Soccer Academy, Earlwood Wanderers FC, CS Soccer Clinics, Riverstone FC, Futsal Institute, Dunbar Rovers FC and Mulo Mulo).

15 games played


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