You are viewing the results for Skadevi Cup 2022. View the current results for Skadevi Cup 2025 here.

Kållered SK P16-17

Registration number: 8017
Registrator: Henrik Hebeler
Primary shirt color: Blue
Secondary shirt color: White
Leader: Fredrik Melleroth
William Potter
Anders Persson
Henrik Hebeler
Silver medal! Reached second place in B-Slutspel
2:nd highest goal count per game among the teams in P16-17 (3.3)
2:nd highest goal count among the teams in P16-17 (20)
Kållered SK was one of 144 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Skadevi Cup 2022. They participated with one team in Pojkar 16-17.

In addition to Kållered SK, 18 other teams played in Pojkar 16-17. They were divided into 4 different groups, whereof Kållered SK could be found in Group 1 together with Stenungsunds IF SIF, Skövde AIK 1 and Waggeryds IK.

Kållered SK made it to B-Slutspel after reaching 3:rd place in Group 1. Once in the playoff they made it all the way to the Final, but lost it against Ekhagens IF with 5-6. Thereby Kållered SK finished second in P16-17 B-Slutspel during Skadevi Cup 2022.

Kållered SK comes from Kållered which lies approximately 140 km from Skövde, where Skadevi Cup takes place. The area around Kållered does also provide 28 additional clubs participating during Skadevi Cup 2022 (Among others: Majorna FC (-Ösets BK), Landvetter IS, Floda BoIF, Romelanda UF, Kungsbacka IF, IFK Hindås, Näsets SK, Partille IF, IK Zenith and Finlandia Pallo AIF).

6 games played


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