You are viewing the results for Skadevi Cup 2024. View the current results for Skadevi Cup 2025 here.

Skara FC P13

Registration number: 9169
Registrator: Markus Löfgren
Primary shirt color: White
Secondary shirt color: Red
Leader: Markus Löfgren
Osman Djibril
Yari Zordan
Tesfamichael Tewelde
In addition to Skara FC, 70 other teams played in Pojkar 13. They were divided into 17 different groups, whereof Skara FC could be found in Group 15 together with Strömsbergs IF Svart, Ulvåkers IF Röd/Svart, Särö Kullavik IF 2 and Sandarna BK 2.

6 games played


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