You are viewing the results for Skadevi Cup 2024. View the current results for Skadevi Cup 2025 here.

Skövde AIK P13 Röd

Registration number: 9180
Registrator: Ida Andersson
Primary shirt color: Red
Leader: Selmir Zahirovic
Sargon Yousif
Ibrahim Alsalloum
Gold medal! Won the entire B-Slutspel! Congratulations!
3:rd highest goal count among the teams in P13 (28)
In addition to the three Skövde AIK teams, 68 other teams played in Pojkar 13. They were divided into 17 different groups, whereof Skövde AIK Röd could be found in Group 16 together with Myresjö IF, Sandared/Sjömarkens IF Vit, Arboga Södra P 11 2 and Strömsbergs IF Vit.

Skövde AIK Röd made it to B-Slutspel after reaching 3:rd place in Group 16. Once in the playoff they won every match inluding the Final against IFK Mariestad 1, which they won with 5-4. Thereby Skövde AIK Röd won the entire B-Slutspel in Pojkar 13 during Skadevi Cup 2024.

9 games played


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