You are viewing the results for Haglöf & Nordkvist Floorball Cup 2014. View the current results for Haglöf & Nordkvist Floorball Cup 2015 here.

IBF Borlänge H2 Herrar

Registration number: 81
Registrator: Oskar Adamsson Log in
Primary shirt color: Blue
Secondary shirt color: White
Leader: Lennart Elving
Gold medal! Won the entire Slutspel A! Congratulations!
Highest goal count per game among the teams in Herrar (3.7)
Highest goal count among the teams in Herrar (26)
IBF Borlänge H2 was one of 49 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Haglöf & Nordkvist Floorball Cup 2014. They participated with one team in Herrar Div 2 - nedåt.

In addition to IBF Borlänge H2, 5 other teams played in Herrar Div 2 - nedåt.

IBF Borlänge H2 made it to Slutspel A after reaching 1:st place in Group A. Once in the playoff they won every match inluding the Final against Stöpen IBK, which they won with 4-2. Thereby IBF Borlänge H2 won the entire Slutspel A in Herrar Div 2 - nedåt during Haglöf & Nordkvist Floorball Cup 2014.

IBF Borlänge H2 comes from Borlänge which lies approximately 19 km from Falun, where Haglöf & Nordkvist Floorball Cup takes place. The area around Borlänge does also provide 13 additional clubs participating during Haglöf & Nordkvist Floorball Cup 2014 (Among others: IBF Falun Ungdom, Hälsinggårdens AIK, Festarrangören, Vika IF, Samuelsdals IF, IBF Borlänge -03, KFUM Falun, Falu BS Bandy, Sundborns GoIF and IBF Borlänge).

7 games played


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