You are viewing the results for Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2023. View the current results for Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2024 here.

Ronneby HK ÅBI-G 15/16

Registration number: 1062
Registrator: Johan Hallberg Log in
Primary shirt color: Orange
Leader: Ola Karlsson
Caisa Persson
Johan Hallberg
Rose-Marie Lindegren
4:th place in B-Slutspel
In addition to Ronneby HK, 7 other teams played in Åhus Beach International Girls U15/U16. They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof Ronneby HK could be found in Group 1 together with IFK Tumba HK 1, HK Bosse and Lunds Beachhandball Club LBHC.

Ronneby HK also participated in Flickor 15 år (födda 2007) during Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2022. They reached the final in C-Slutspel, but lost it against Eslövs IK 1 with 6-17 and ended up in second place.

5 games played


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