You are viewing the results for Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2023. View the current results for Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2024 here.

Prezero Partnerklass

Registration number: 1498
Registrator: Jesper Nilsson Log in
Primary shirt color: White
Highest goal count per game among the teams in Partnerklass (13.3)
Highest goal count among the teams in Partnerklass (40)
Prezero was one of 226 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2023. They participated with one team in Partnerklass.

In addition to Prezero, 7 other teams played in Partnerklass. They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof Prezero could be found in Group 1 together with Privab, Nordic wellness and Mercedes Benz.

Prezero comes from Kristianstad which lies approximately 17 km from Åhus, where Åhus Beachhandboll Festival takes place. The area around Kristianstad does also provide 58 additional clubs participating during Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2023 (Among others: Fräcka Falkarna 3, Byfånarna, Bäst före detta, Gott & blandat, MÅSTE VILA, IF Kristianstad, Södra Rörum, Ceimertz, Jaga FC and Avgå Alla).

3 games played


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