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Promilleholms GIF HS

Registration number: 5137
Primary shirt color: Turquoise
Promilleholms GIF was one of 184 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Åhus Beach Fotboll 2022. They participated with one team in Herr Senior Förening/Öppen.

In addition to Promilleholms GIF, 35 other teams played in Herr Senior Förening/Öppen. They were divided into 4 different groups, whereof Promilleholms GIF could be found in Group 4 together with Kjell & Company , Hjältarna från Söder , Yngsjö Fisk & Asfalt , MammaJägarna (AVSTÄNGDA) , Andra chansen , ESHKA , Absolut Brunk and Åsgatan 26 .

Promilleholms GIF continued to A-Slutspel after reaching 3:rd place in Group 4. In the playoff they made it to 1/8 Final, but lost it against Stoffes Slavar with 0-1. In the Final, Andra chansen won over Stoffes Slavar and became the winner of A-Slutspel in Herr Senior Förening/Öppen.

Promilleholms GIF comes from Ängelholm which lies approximately 95 km from Åhus, where Åhus Beach Fotboll takes place. The area around Ängelholm does also provide 8 additional clubs participating during Åhus Beach Fotboll 2022 (Billesholms IK, 260, Perstorp Bälinge IK, Eminem's M&M, Flames BK, ABZOLUT, Bjuvs Hyenor and Bygdens Pågar).

9 games played


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