You are viewing the results for Warbergsspelen 2015. View the current results for Warbergsspelen 2024 here.

Pixbo Wallenstam I BK

Pixbo Wallenstam I BK was one of 103 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Warbergsspelen 2015. They participated with two teams in Pojkar 06.

In addition to this, Pixbo Wallenstam I BK have participated in Warbergsspelen before. During Warbergsspelen 2014, Pixbo Wallenstam I had two teams playing in Flickor 03.

Pixbo Wallenstam I comes from Mölnlycke which lies approximately 61 km from Varberg, where Warbergsspelen takes place. The area around Mölnlycke does also provide 35 additional clubs participating during Warbergsspelen 2015 (Among others: Pixbo Wallenstam IBK, IK Zenith, Onsala IBK, Lindås Waves IBK, Lindome IBK, Partille IBS, IBF BACKADALEN, Floda IBK, Frölunda IBK and IF Marin Väst).

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