You are viewing the results for Warbergsspelen 2023. View the current results for Warbergsspelen 2024 here.

Fristad GoiF

Medals 2023:
(Slutspel B)
2022: 1
2015: 1
Fristad GoiF was one of 112 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Warbergsspelen 2023. They participated with three teams in Pojkar 10 (Född 2010), Flickor 09 (Född 2009) and Flickor 08 (Född 2008) respectively. The team in Flickor 08 (Född 2008) made it to the the Semi final in Slutspel A, but lost it against CL98 IC by 0-10.

In addition to this, Fristad GoiF have participated in Warbergsspelen before. During Warbergsspelen 2022, Fristad GoiF had 4 teams playing in Pojkar 13 (Född 2013), Pojkar 10 (Född 2010), Pojkar 05 (Född 2005) and Flickor 08 (Född 2008) respectively. The team in Pojkar 05 (Född 2005) made it to the the Final in Slutspel B, but lost it against Mölndals IBF by 1-4.

Fristad GoiF comes from sparsör which lies approximately 86 km from Varberg, where Warbergsspelen takes place. The area around sparsör does also provide 10 additional clubs participating during Warbergsspelen 2023 (Floda IBK, Hindås IBK, Sandareds IBS, Hestrafors IF, Sandared IBS, Borås IBF, Fritsla IF, Wårgårda IBK, Vara IBK and Svenljunga IBK).

13 games played


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