You are viewing the results for Skadevi Cup 2014. View the current results for Skadevi Cup 2025 here.

Ulvåkers IF P12

Registration number: 1231
Registrator: Henning Persson Log in
Primary shirt color: Red
Secondary shirt color: Black
Leader: Trond Siem
Henning Persson
Gold medal! Won the entire B-Slutspel! Congratulations!
In addition to Ulvåkers IF, 48 other teams played in Pojkar 12. They were divided into 12 different groups, whereof Ulvåkers IF could be found in Group 11 together with Näset SK Giants, Trollhättans FK and Rödeby AIF 1.

Ulvåkers IF made it to B-Slutspel after reaching 3:rd place in Group 11. Once in the playoff they won every match inluding the Final against Husqvarna FF 1, which they won with 1-0. Thereby Ulvåkers IF won the entire B-Slutspel in Pojkar 12 during Skadevi Cup 2014.

8 games played


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