You are viewing the results for Stockholm Paragames 2018. View the current results for Stockholm Paragames 2020 here.


Participating cities

Interesting facts

Antal städer 2
Northermost city Kungsängen
Southernmost city Karlstad
Most teams Karlstad
Most scored goals Karlstad
Most goals per team Karlstad
Largest share of won matches Karlstad
City Teams Games* Played* Won Draw Lost Goals
Karlstad 1 4 4 4 (100 %) 0 0 (0 %) 14 - 7
Kungsängen 1 5 5 2 (40 %) 0 3 (60 %) 12 - 18
  * OBS! Eftersom varje match har två lag räknas varje match två gånger i tabellen.