You are viewing the results for BD-open 2022. View the current results for BD-open 2024 here.


Participating cities

Interesting facts

Number of cities 14
Northermost city Kiruna
Southernmost city Piteå
Most teams Kalix
Most scored goals Kalix
Most goals per team Tornio, finland
Largest share of won matches Tornio
City Teams Games* Played* Won Draw Lost Goals
Boden 4 20 20 8 (40 %) 1 11 (55 %) 56 - 34
Gällivare 3 15 15 3 (20 %) 0 12 (80 %) 13 - 70
Haparanda 2 10 10 4 (40 %) 0 6 (60 %) 43 - 47
Kalix 25 137 136 43 (31 %) 16 77 (56 %) 422 - 632
Kalix-nyborg 9 45 45 22 (48 %) 4 19 (42 %) 137 - 163
Kiruna 3 17 17 6 (35 %) 3 8 (47 %) 29 - 47
Lillpite 1 5 5 2 (40 %) 2 1 (20 %) 9 - 4
Luleå 16 82 80 52 (65 %) 9 19 (23 %) 368 - 183
Pajala 3 16 16 7 (43 %) 1 8 (50 %) 41 - 42
Piteå 5 25 25 11 (44 %) 5 9 (36 %) 65 - 41
Tornio 2 10 10 7 (70 %) 1 2 (20 %) 54 - 19
Tornio, finland 1 6 6 4 (66 %) 1 1 (16 %) 33 - 5
Älvsbyn 2 10 10 2 (20 %) 0 8 (80 %) 15 - 34
Överkalix 5 26 25 16 (64 %) 3 6 (24 %) 81 - 45
  * Note that since each match has two teams, the number of matches in the table will appear to be two times the actual number of matches.
