You are viewing the results for Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2023. View the current results for Åhus Beachhandboll Festival 2024 here.

HK Malmö Parahandboll

Registration number: 1664
Registrator: Martin Nihlén Log in
Primary shirt color: Black
Leader: Martin Nihlén
Thea Nihlén
Linus Nihlén
Robert Spoljar
Third place and the bronze medal of A-Slutspel
3:rd highest goal count per game among the teams in Parahandboll (7.0)
3:rd highest goal count among the teams in Parahandboll (42)
In addition to HK Malmö, 7 other teams played in Parahandboll - Gående klass. They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof HK Malmö could be found in Group 2 together with Ösmo GIF HK 1, Alingsås HK 2 HFA 2 and IFK Tumba HK.

6 games played


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